Frequently Asked Questions

There is a user icon at the top right of each page, click on it, and you can sign up or Login in.

Please click the Africa logo at the top left corner of any page or Click on the "Home" button on the navbar

The seller and the support team will contact you concerning your location and then deliver your product to you.

It depends on your location, and if the product is around your location, we will use a delivery guy to deliver it. However, if it is international shipping, we must discuss with FedEx or DHL to get you the minimal delivery charges. Depending on the number of items you purchase, we will allow paying half of your delivery fee.

We accept returns within 14 days of delivery, provided that the item is in its original condition. Please refer to our return and refund policy page for more details.

To report a product, click on the product to view the details underneath the page, and you will see the "Report Product" button. Click on it and then state your issues or inquiries.

Yes, you can get 100% refund if you follow our Return & Refund Policy

If your uploaded product is not showing on the website is because you checked product availability to be No. Login into your account and then click on "My Products". In your dashboard, click on the edit button and look for product availability. Change it from "No" to "Yes".

Login into your account and then click on "My Product." In your dashboard, click the edit button and look for product availability. Change it from "Yes" to "No."

We support MasterCard, Visa or Verve, American Express cards, and MoMo.

Yes, all of our products are authentic and sourced from reputable suppliers.

Yes, we offer discounts and promotions from time to time.